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Author: John Medina
Should you read this book? Science has never been this easy, nor so clear in allowing us better performance at work/school. The author takes us through solid and reputable brain research and consolidates it into 12 basic rules about our brains that should help us “thrive”. There is no complicated language, instead there are a lot of examples to illustrate the rules.
The book will explain how exercise boosts brain power (rule #1 Exercise), and how the human brain evolved, too (rule #2 Survival). It explains how every brain is wired differently (rule #3 Wiring) and the cardinal rules on how to learn stuff: we don’t pay attention to boring things (rule #4 Attention) and how important it is to repeat to remember (rule #5 Short-termMemory) and remember to repeat (rule #5 Long-term Memory). It emphasizes to sleep well to think well (rule #7 Sleep) and that the evil of modern day life, stress, can cause our brain to not learn the same way (rule #8 Stress).
It teaches as the importance of stimulating all senses (rule #9 Sensory Integration), but taking into account that vision trumps all other senses when learning (rule #10 Vision). We also learn whether there’s any truth to male and female brains being different (rule #11 Gender), but regardless, humans are powerful and natural explorers (rule #12 Exploration).
This is one of my favorite books of all time. It is practical and great food for thought. John Medina is the first to state that although the rles are backed by extensive research, there is still much to discover and he even proposes some ideas for future research on methods that can further prove effective in both students and workers. I can only imagine what my kid cold be ale to do should he go to a school that applies some of these techniques! I can say I have evidenced some of the statements from the bookin my day to day professional life.
Highly recommended for all, specially those in the Education field, or in the world of oeganizational learning, change / behavior management, and training.
Paola’s mood after reading this book: