Synopsis and credits: Read on IMDB
Should you watch this movie? The movie deals with difficult topic, yet it still manages to show some good. The performances are stellar! Definitely recommended!
Ron Woodroof is a Dallas electrician who after being diagnosed with AIDS bribes a hospital elderly to get him AZT, the only FDA-approved drug to treat the disease and currently undergoing clinical trials. Although the drug seems to be making his condition worse, he travels to Mexico to restock on it and discovers a much more effective and safer course of treatment which he begins smuggling to the US. With the help of Rayon, a transgender woman and fellow patient helps him set a “Buyer Club” which allows patiens access to the unapproved drugs, getting on the radar of the FDa who will stop at nothing to stop him.
It is a bit heartbreaking to see the discrimination some groups have gone through the ages and in this movie you can see the horrible stigma gay people had to go through (and still go through today). It is also very interesting to see the journey of a person like Woodroof going from homophobic to working side by side, even to the point of legitimately caring for gay people.
The buzz about this movie came about Matthew McConaughey’s extremely weightloss to play the part of AIDS ridden Woodroof. He lost 47 lb (21 kg) and went through some extreme behaviors to get into the character. It has paid off, as he is now nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actor in a leading role. His co-star, Jared Leto, went through an equally huge tranformation, not only losing weight, but by transforming himself into Rayon, a transgender woman. Leto is also nominated for an Academy Award, the one for Best Actor in a Supporting Role, and in my humble opinion, he has it in the bag!
Great movie to watch!
Paola’s mood after watching this movie: