The Girl on the Train

The Girl on the Train

Synopsis: Read on Amazon Author: Paula Hawkins This 2015 release ws the first novel by author Paula Hawkins and the reactions was very positive. It tells the story of Rachel, a divorced alcoholic woman who rides a comuter train to London every day and enjoys watching...
Face Paint: The Story of Makeup

Face Paint: The Story of Makeup

Synopsis: Read on Amazon Author: Lisa Eldridge Combining 2 things I enjoy very much, history and makeup, Face Paint provides a very interesting view of the history of cosmetics, more specifically makeup and different trends and products used throughout history....
Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear

Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear

Synopsis: Read on Amazon Author: Elizabeth Gilbert If you’ve been reading this blog for a while, I’m sure you’ve seen I’ve referenced a TED talk by Elizabeth Gilbert that talks about creativity. That incredibly inspiring talk is exactly what...
Trigger Warning: Short Fictions and Disturbances

Trigger Warning: Short Fictions and Disturbances

Synopsis: Read on Amazon Author: Neil Gaiman Some people look at short story compilations with some disdain, as if those short tales are the author’s cop-out from a full length novel. Not me. I like the fast gratification you get with short stories. They can be...
A Song of Ice and Fire – The Complete Series

A Song of Ice and Fire – The Complete Series

Before the series, there were the books. Here you will find the complete recap of all book reviews. Some are being read, others haven’t even been written. Be sure to come back often to read the reviews! Series synopsis: the works collectively known as A Song of...