12 Books of 2020 (and inspiration for 2021!)

12 Books of 2020 (and inspiration for 2021!)

Is reading more books one of your new year’s resolutions? If so, you’re on the right track to make your content marketing efforts amazing! How so? There’s always inspiration in books, no matter what subject or topic they tackle. For me, inspiration...
Solve for Happy: Engineer Your Path to Joy

Solve for Happy: Engineer Your Path to Joy

The author, Mo Gawdat, Chief Business Officer at Google’s X, tries to crack the code and apply an engineer’s approach to happiness. The premise is simple: can we use logic and problem solving (instead of a more spiritual or philosophical approach) to find...
Face Paint: The Story of Makeup

Face Paint: The Story of Makeup

Synopsis: Read on Amazon Author: Lisa Eldridge Combining 2 things I enjoy very much, history and makeup, Face Paint provides a very interesting view of the history of cosmetics, more specifically makeup and different trends and products used throughout history....
Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear

Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear

Synopsis: Read on Amazon Author: Elizabeth Gilbert If you’ve been reading this blog for a while, I’m sure you’ve seen I’ve referenced a TED talk by Elizabeth Gilbert that talks about creativity. That incredibly inspiring talk is exactly what...