12 Books of 2020 (and inspiration for 2021!)

12 Books of 2020 (and inspiration for 2021!)

Is reading more books one of your new year’s resolutions? If so, you’re on the right track to make your content marketing efforts amazing! How so? There’s always inspiration in books, no matter what subject or topic they tackle. For me, inspiration...
Beyond Office Politics

Beyond Office Politics

Description: Read on Amazon Author: Linda Sommer (full disclosure: I actually know the author, but that did not affect my opinion of the book!) Should you read this book? Yes. A lot of people wonder what they’re doing wrong at their workplace that is not getting...
The Tipping Point

The Tipping Point

Description: View on Amazon Author: Malcolm Gladwell Should you read this book? Yes! Some books can be categorized as just “fascinating reads”. This is one of those. It would be unfair to place in one category. The phenomenon here explained can easily...
Brain Rules

Brain Rules

Description: View on Amazon Author: John Medina Should you read this book? Science has never been this easy, nor so clear in allowing us better performance at work/school. The author takes us through solid and reputable brain research and consolidates it into 12 basic...
How to Win Friends and Influence People

How to Win Friends and Influence People

Description: View on Amazon Author: Dale Carnegie Should you read this book? Absolutely! Read it, study it, and read it again. If you take it seriously, it can have a huge impact on different facets of your life! This book was published in 1937 and it’s still as...