

Synopsis: Read on IMDB Creed follows the story of Adonis “Donnie” Johnson, an aspiring boxer and son of the late boxing heavyweight champion Apollo Creed. He travels to Philadelphia, reaching out to Rocky Balboa, his father’s old friend (and former...
Best in Entertainment 2015 – Movies

Best in Entertainment 2015 – Movies

Let’s begin by stating most on this list will not be contenders for Oscars, unless the Academy believes nerd-loving sci-fi and action deserves its own category (or at least recognition) This year reality beat fiction in the drama genre and this list reflects...
The Force is strong with this one!

The Force is strong with this one!

Synopsis and Credits: Read on IMDB When I told people “I’m going to see the new Star Wars” or my subsequent announcement of “I’ve seen the new Star Wars” I got the same reaction: no spoilers, please! I’m not a monster, people,...
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

Synopsis: Read on IMDB Should you watch this movie? Yes. It is one of those sequels you can watch without watching the previous one, although watching Rise of the Planet of the Apes will make the experience more enjoyable. The story takes place 10 years after the...
Transformers Age of Extinction

Transformers Age of Extinction

Synopsis: Read on IMDB Should you watch this movie? If you have nothing better to do with your time and money, sure. And as long as you are not expecting a great story that makes a lot of sense, you’ll be fine and dandy and thoroughly entertained! I want to say...