The Dark Knight Rises

The Dark Knight Rises

Synopsis: Read on IMDB Should you watch this movie? A thousand times yes! After all, it is Batman! The third and last installment of Christopher Nolan’s Batman saga is back! 8 years after the events of The Dark Knight, Batman is considered a villain after...
Snow White and the Huntsman

Snow White and the Huntsman

Synopsis: Read on IMDB Should you watch this movie? You know what? I’m not sure what my opinion is on this one. Clearly, it is not awesome, but it’s not horrible either…. Ok, read along and you decide. If you decide to watch it, come back and leave...
Men in Black 3

Men in Black 3

Synopsis: Read on IMDB Should you watch this movie? X years later they are back and still make it look cool (reference to the first movie, in case you didn’t know). So yes, go watch, it’s good! Agents J and K are back! As usual, the Men in Black are still...
The Avengers

The Avengers

Synopsis: Read on IMDB Should you watch this movie? let me ask you first: Is the sky blue (or grey if you live in Belgium)? Does the sun shine (or hides behind a horrible, horrible grey cloud if you live in Belgium)? Is my new haircut absolutely adorable? The answers...


Synopsis: Read on IMDB Should you watch this movie? Meh! Watch it on TV. I would not waste the movie ticket to be honest. Snow (played by Guy Pearce) is some sort of agent who claims to be wrongfully accussed of conspiracy. He is then offered a deal: The daughter of...