

Synopsis: Read on IMDB Based on the book by the same name, Brooklyn tells the story of Eilis Lacey, a young Irish woman who leaves her small town for America, in search of a better life. Her new life in Brooklyn proves challenging as Eilis tries to overcome...

Beautiful Redemption

Synopsis: Read on Amazon Author: Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl After the heartbreaking events of Beautiful Chaos, things go back to “normal” (as “normal” could be in a town like Gatlin): the extreme weather subsides, the locusts go away, the...

Beautiful Chaos

Synopsis: Read on Amazon Author: Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl After Lena claims herself in the events of the previous book, it appears as if the Apocalypse has arrived in Gatlin. Record high temperatures and swarms of locusts overwhelm the residents of this small...
Beautiful Darkness

Beautiful Darkness

Synopsis: Read on Amazon Author: Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl The follow-up of Beautiful Creatures, Imanage to read this one faster than I did the first one. The continuation of the story was just as captivating and definitely made me want to know what happens next...